Yarn Server Fly-Off

  1. Product Overview

    Yarn Servers

    The Tensor Yarn Server applies aramid, fiberglass or polyester yarns around a cable core. There are various types depending on the requirements.

    Fly-Off Model

    Tension Range 75 – 1000 grams. With this model, the yarns fly-off and then pass through a small capstan assembly. Electromagnetic brakes are used with the capstan to maintain constant tension and to easily allow operator adjustment. The Fly-Off Model maintains low tension throughout the entire package. It can be designed so all yarns converge at the entrance of the server or designed so that the yarns crossbind at the center of the server. The server is PLC controlled to allow it to be stand alone or integrated into an existing line. Speeds over 300 rpm can be obtained in some cases depending on the package size.

  2. Sales Inquiries