April 27, 2017
Equipment Line
April 20, 2017
Armoring Line Overview
Vertical Accumulator The Armoring line is designed to pay-off, corrugate and form a metal tape around a cable core. The metal tape is typically either steel, aluminum or copper. The Tensor armoring line is designed to apply the metal tape longitudinally around the cable core with a slight overlap as shown in the picture to [...]April 19, 2017
Jacketing Line Overview
Tensor has produced a variety of Jacketing lines for manufacturing Indoor and Outdoor Fiber Optic cables. When Tensor started in 1985, we began to produce some of the main components used in Jacketing lines such as the tape corrugating, tape forming, yarn serving, swellable tape lines along with their related controls. It wasn't a far [...]April 18, 2017
SZ Stranding Copper Wire Overview
SZ Stranding of copper wire (signal cable, thermostat cable and power cable) was introduced to offset the slow speed of the traditional stranding methods. After the wires are SZ Stranded, they travel immediately into a crosshead where they are jacketed. In some cases, this method completely eliminates an entire stranding process. The line consists of [...]April 17, 2017
SZ Stranding Line Overview
SZ Stranding is the process of twisting Tubes or Wires into a cable structure under controlled conditions. The tubes/wires are guided through a series of rotating discs. The disks will rotate until up to 14 turns in one direction is achieved. The discs then reverse and twist the tube/wires up to 14 turns in the [...]April 16, 2017